Why fees?

Academic Exchange Quarterly is 100% self-supported.  There are 
no sponsors or corporate owners.  Read acceptance rate NOTE
Journal's publication expenses editing-production-distribution are
covered by subscription fees, royalty payments, and redactory fees.
Academic Exchange Quarterly has optional redactory fees. You may 
avoid paying by adhering to journal's procedure/requirements...
even though journal's average administrative cost to process one 
submission is around forty-five dollars. 

Other journals have established mandatory fees like submission, 
redactory, publication, processing or reprint fee. Rate varies, 
see examples:

- Economic Inquiry 
	Oxford University Press 
	$100 members, $160 nonmembers 
- International Third World Studies Journal and Review 
	University of Nebraska at Omaha
	$45 fee 
- Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance
	New York University
	$125 fee 
- Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Ventures 
	Syracuse University
	$75 fee
- Journal of Financial Economics 
	University of Rochester @ Harvard University
	$500 for subscribers, $550 for non-subscribers 
	Referees are paid an honorarium out of the submission fee
- Journal of Financial Education 
	Villanova University 
	$30 FEA members, $70 non-members 
- Journal of Financial Markets
	Yale School of Management
	Used to defray the cost of having the paper refereed
- Journal of Political Economy
	University of Chicago Press 
	$75 for subscribers, $125 for non-subscribers 
	Submission fees are used to pay for refereeing services
- Journal of Social Change and Critical Inquiry
	University of Wollongong
	$45 fee
- Social Problems 
	The University of California Press
	$50 fee                                  

May 2006