Postsecondary Education is Nearly Essential To Getting a High Paying Job
what it means, partly because there are several other terms that are used to mean the same thing. And the terms vary by country, too, which wasn’t always so confusing but today’s modern technologies seem to have “shrunk” the planet a bit, meaning what was once quite foreign often works its way into our lives pretty frequently now.
Basically, postsecondary education is any schooling undertaken on a voluntary basis after graduation from high school, as high school is considered to be secondary education. At least that’s the way the system works in the United States.
Primary education is the earliest years in school and secondary education is high school and its equivalents. These levels of learning are required by law but anything beyond that is purely voluntary.
No one is required to pursue postsecondary education but it is becoming an increasingly wise investment of time and effort, especially when job hunting after graduation.
A successfully completed course in postsecondary education results in one or more academic degrees – associate’s, baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral. These degrees are usually awarded for studies in colleges and universities but technical institutes and community colleges offer associate degree programs on a more frequent basis lately, too.
In many attractive occupations, the job market is pretty tough and an academic degree, signifying completion of postsecondary education on one level or another, is often required to land the most attractive jobs. In many cases, a specific degree is required.
And speaking of jobs, the industry of postsecondary education itself is a pretty big one and it’s getting even bigger as education becomes more valuable on the job market and more students are enrolling.
So, now that we understand exactly what postsecondary education is, what, you might ask, are some of those other terms that generally cause confusion? Depending upon what part of the world you’re in while you’re enrolled, it could mean tertiary education. Or third-stage education. Third level. And, quite simply, higher education.
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