Recent Books and Projects in the field of Higher Education
- NEW: International Handbook of Higher Education
by James J.F. Forest and Philip Altbach
- International Higher Education, No. 41 (Fall 2005)
- Previous issues of International Higher Education
Get your degree quicker than you ever believed possible! Finish College Faster – Test Out W Clep Dantes Testing. Aquire Up To 40 Credit Hours - Global Higher Education Rankings 2005
by the Educational Policy Institute
- Measuring the Quality of Post-Secondary Education: New Tool Points the Way
by Ross Finnie, Alex Usher
- Inside Highered – a new Academic News Resource
- Overview of Higher Education in the United States: Diversity, Access, and the Role of the Marketplace (2004) (available as a PDF file)
by Peter D. Eckel and Jacqueline E. King - Measuring Up 2004: The National Report Card on Higher Education
Pew Charitable Trusts an The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education (also available as a PDF file) - Globalization and the University: Myths and Realities in an Unequal World (May 2004)
by Philip G. Altbach
- Announcing two new OECD books on internationalization of higher education (a broad picture on trends and political challenges; a more specific one on quality assurance and accreditation in an international context.
- New Jossey-Bass Publications:
- African Higher Education: An International Reference Handbook
by Damtew Teferra and Philip G. Altbach - Conducting Research Surveys via Email and the Web
by the RAND Corporation
University and Community Research Partnerships: A New Approach
by the Pew Partnership - Academic Leadership a Practical Guide to Chairing the Department
by Deryl Leaming
- Challenges for Governance: A National Report (April 2003)
by the Center Higher Education for Policy and Analysis, Rossier School of Education, USC
- Higher Education in the United States: An Encyclopedia (2002: ABC-CLIO Press) with searchable bibliography
by James Forest & Kevin Kinser - In Defense of American Higher Education
by Philip G. Altbach, Patricia J. Gumport, and D. Bruce Johnstone - The Futures Project: Policy for Higher Education in a Changing World
Online Publications hosted by Brown University’s A. Alfred Taubman Center for Public Policy and American Institutions to “stimulate an informed debate about the role of higher education in our new global society” and to “develop policies that ensure a skilled use of market forces to maximize the opportunities while minimizing the dangers.” - California Idea
by John Douglas - Publications on Community-University Partnerships
- Reclaiming the Game: College Sports and Educational Values
by William G. Bowen and Sarah A. Levin - Dealing with the Future Now: Principles for Creating a Vital Campus in a Climate of Restricted Resources, by Guskin and Marcy (2003).
Download this and other documents from the Project on the Future of Higher Education, Antioch University. - Evaluating and Improving Undergraduate Teaching in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (2002)
Full text ebook from the National Research Council (NRC), Center for Education (CFE). - Making the Grade in College Prep
by the Center Higher Education for Policy and Analysis, Rossier School of Education, USC - Database of Research on International Education
A searchable web database which contains details of over 2900 books, articles, conference papers and reports on various aspects of international higher education from publishers in Australia and overseas. The database covers material published from 1990 onwards. - Measuring Up 2002: The State-by-State Report Card on Higher Education (October 2002)
by the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education
- The University after 9/11
by William Tierney - Youth Activism and Global Engagement
by the Benton Foundation
This OneWorld US Special Report focuses on the intersection of activism among young people on college campuses and global issues. It represents excerpts from a longer report prepared for the Global Interdependence Initiative by Paul G. Aaron, with the purpose of identifying areas in which young activists and adults engaged in work on global issues might work together. The report will be published in ten segments. - Short Term Impacts, Long Term Opportunities: The Political and Civic Engagement of Young Adults in America (March 2002)
A national survey of 1500 young adults (conducted January 2002) released by the Center for Information and Research in Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE) finds that young adults feel better about politics and government post-Sept. 11, but positive attitudes have yet to translate into action. - YFCY: A New Tool for Assessing First-Year Student Development
by Linda J. Sax and Shannon K. Gilmartin - Methods of Assessing the Quality of Public Service and Outreach in Institutions of Higher Education
by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- A Report on Public Expectations of Postsecondary Education in Canada
by the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada - Internationalization of Higher Education in the United States of America and Europe: A Historical, Comparative and Conceptual Analysis
by Hans de Wit - NCES Study of College Costs and Prices, 1988-89 to 1997-98
Examines the relationship between costs and prices at groups of public and private not-for-profit institutions, and explores the potential association between financial aid and tuition.
I Prefer to Teach: An International Comparison of Faculty Preference for Teaching
by James JF Forest - The Campus Computing Project – the largest continuing study of the role of information technology in American higher education.
- Common Sense Management
by Jim Morrison, Linda Forbes and George Wilkinson - Chaos Theory and Higher Education: Leadership, Planning, and Policy
by Marc Cutright, Editor - Compendium of Suggestions for Teaching with Excellence
by Barbara Gross Davis, Lynn Wood, and Robert C. Wilson
- ACE/Oryx Series on Higher Education
- UNESCO-IAU Issues in Higher Education Series
Jointly published by the International Association of Universities and Pergamon, this series examines issues and tests theories in higher education policy that are of contemporary and practical concern to leadership, administrators, teachers, researchers and students. It brings together a series which will focus both on advanced industrial and developing countries - Association of American Universities Reports :
- Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Report – April 10, 2001
- Post-Tenure Review – April 10, 2001
- Council on Competitiveness Report on U.S. Innovation Policy Priorities – February 14, 2001
- Report on Human-Subject Research – June 29, 2000
- Intellectual Property Task Force Report on Intellectual Property and New Media Technologies – May 13, 1999
- Graduate Education Committee Report – October 1998
- Postdoctoral Education Committee Report – March 31, 1998
- National Center for Education Statistics Reports :
- A Classification System for 2-Year Postsecondary Institutions
Explores the development of a classification system for 2-year institutions that can provide a framework for analysis and contribute to the discourse in public policy. - Bridging the Gap: Academic Preparation and Postsecondary Success of First-Generation Students
Examines the high school preparation and postsecondary persistence of first-generation students–those students whose parents had no education beyond high school–and compares them with students whose parents went to college.
- Postsecondary Institutions in the United States: 1993-94 and 1998-99
Tabulations for the 1998-99 academic year that describes characteristics of the 9,653
postsecondary education institutions in the United States. - Middle Income Undergraduates: Where They Enroll and How They Pay for Their Education
Examines the characteristics of dependent middle-income undergraduates who attended college full-time, full-year, and how they paid for their education. Also compares these undergraduates with their lower and higher income counterparts and examines strategies that these middle income undergraduates might have used to meet the gap between financial aid and financial need (unmet need). The report also looks at how they filled the gap between price of attendance and the amount of financial aid they received (out-of-pocket costs).
- A Classification System for 2-Year Postsecondary Institutions
- Research on U.S. Students Abroad, Volume 1 ( – 1987)
by Henry D. Weaver - Research on U.S. Students Abroad, Volume 2 (1988-2000)
by Maureen Chao - Salaries and Tenure of Full-time Instructional Faculty on 9- and 10-month Contracts 1998-1999
from the 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99) - Diversity Challenged: Evidence on the Impact of Affirmative Action
by the Harvard University Civil Rights Project - The On the Horizon website contains several publications, resources, and proceedings from previously conducted environmental scanning seminars
- Reflections on “Who Inspired Us to Teach the Way We Do”
Collected via e-mail by Ted Panitz - University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill: Report of the Chancellor’s Task Force on Intellectual Climate, August 1997
- Background Characteristics, Work Activities, and Compensation of Faculty and Instructional Staff in Postsecondary Institutions: Fall 1998
Download, view and print the report as a pdf file ( 626KB)This publication is the first from the 1999 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty (NSOPF:99), a study of faculty and instructional staff in postsecondary institutions in the United States. This report describes the background characteristics, work activities, and compensation of faculty and instructional staff in public and private not-for-profit 2-year-and-above postsecondary institutions.
- Management fads in higher education: Where they come from, what they do, why they fail (NEW)
by Robert Birnbaum
Reviewed by Bob Barnetson, Alberta Colleges & Institutes Faculties Association - Opening Lines: Approaches to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (NEW)
edited by Pat Hutchings - Worldwide Inventory of Higher Education Centers and Programs (NEW)
by Philip G. Altbach and David Engberg -
Sound Instruction: Ready to Use Classroom Practice (NEW)
ISBN 0-9709895-0-4
Attention educators: Sound Instruction: Ready to Use Classroom Practice houses, under one cover, a diversity of practical classroom advice. This new book, published by Rapid Intellect press, offers the reader a selection of the most outstanding and pertinent articles from past issues of Academic Exchange Quarterly (AEQ). Sound Instruction contains 400 pages of information covering four key areas of interest: technology, course content pedagogy, diverse student populations and higher education. If you are a teacher, instructor or professor – at any level, from kindergarten through graduate school – you will find this book to be a useful resource. Visit the Rapid Intellect website for more information: - The Changing Academic Workplace: Comparative Perspectives
edited by Philip G. Altbach
- Leadership Reconsidered: Engaging Higher Education in Social Change (NEW)
by Alexander W. Astin and Helen S. Astin - Tools for Teaching (NEW)
by Barbara Gross Davis
- Research on U.S. Students Abroad – A Searchable Bibliography (NEW)
by the USC Center for Global Education - Doctoral Recipients from U.S. Universities – Summary Report, 1998 (NEW)
by the National Science Foundation
- Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education (NEW)
- University Teaching: International Perspectives
Edited by James JF Forest - Report of the Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University – Online book
- The Virtual University & Educational Opportunity -Issues of Equity and Access for the Next Generation
A report produced by the College Board. - Educating Army Leaders for thh 21st Century: Curriculum and Assessment at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point
- Management: Leading People and Organizations in the 21st Century
by Gary Dessler
- Strategic Planning
by Carter McNamara - Presidential Essays: “Success Stories” – Strategies that Make a Difference at Thirteen Independent Colleges and Universities
by the USA Group and the Council of Independent Colleges
- Financing Higher Education in the New Century
State Higher Education Executive Officers report on current issues and problems - Breaking the Social Contract
Rand Corporation report on the financial condition of higher education - Does Diversity Make a Difference? Three Research Studies on Diversity in College Classrooms
by the American Council on Education and the American Association of University Professors - Discovery and Innovation: Federal Research and Development Activities in the Fifty States, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico
by Donna Fossum, Lawrence S. Painter, Valerie Williams, Allison Yezril, Elaine Newton, and David Trinkle (RAND Science and Technology) - A Report on the Reflective Judgment Model, the Reflectve Judgment Interview (RJI) and the Reasoning about Current Issues Test (RCI)
by Phil Wood
- Benchmarks for Measuring Quality in Distance Education Programs
by the Institute of Higher Education Policy - Developing a Distance Education Policy for 21st Century Learning
by the American Council on Education - Women’s Colleges in the United States: History, Issues, and Challenges
By Irene Harwarth, Mindi Maline and Elizabeth DeBra - Academic Duty
by Donald Kennedy (reviewed by Albert Dekin) - Instructional Faculty and Staff in Higher Education Institutions Who Taught Classes to Undergraduates: Fall 1992
by the National Center for Educational Statistics
- International Education Indicators A T ime Series Perspective, 1985-1995
(compares educational trends in OECD countries over time) - Reinventing Undergraduate Education – report from the Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University.
- Open Doors: A Report on Student Exchange
by Todd Davis, Institute for International Education - Higher Education in the 21st Century : Global Challenge and National Response
edited by Philip G. Altbach and Patti McGill Peterson - The Doctorate: Talking About the Degree – An International Survey Report
The Quest to Define Collegiate Desegregation Black Colleges, Title VI Compliance, and Post-Adams Litigation
By M. Christopher Brown II - Fiction to Fact: College Novels and the Study of Higher Education
By John R. Thelin and Barbara K. Townsend
- Maverick Colleges: Ten Notable Experiments in American Undergradaute Eduation
A study of the history of ten 19th and 20th century colleges (Antioch, Berea, Reed, Deep Springs, Chicago, Black Mountain, St. John’s, Prescott, Evergreen, College of the Atlantic) that each constituted some innovative factor in American higher education. Online book edited by L. Jackson Newell and others at the University of Utah - The Flexner Report
- Publications of the BC Center for International Higher Education
- Publications from the Institute for Research on Higher Education, University of Pennsylvania , including Policy Perspectives and Landscape
- More new publications in higher education
- NCES Fast Facts for Higher Education
- Higher Education in Brazil by Simon Schwartzman
- Free directory of 150,000 printed periodicals
Higher Education News Resources and Journals
History and Archives in Higher Education
- Higher Education Policy and Research Topics
- Analysis of the 1998 Amendments to the Higher Education Act
- Higher Education Washington, Inc.
Publications include: Student Lending, Information Technology in Student Aid (ITSA) and Information Technology in Postsecondary Education (ITPE) - Institute for Higher Education Policy
A variety of publications on financial aid, distance learning, and other issues - A primer on higher education literature
- Online Documents for the Study of U.S. Higher Education and Politics
- AGB Top Ten List of Public Policy Issues
- VarsityBooks Online
- ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education
- See also: History and Archives in Higher Education for more online publications and information resources.
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