
Service-Learning Focus:Service-learning, a community-based approach to teaching and learning, provides opportunities for students to discover linkages between theory and practice in authentic settings. Educational research and practice have provided numerous examples...


R e a d e r s’ C h o i c e AEQ Exchange, calculations below are based on hits/visitors received by articles archived on this page. Rankings, updated bimonthly (as of May 2007), reflect accumulated hits from time of posting until the current...


Editors’ Choice 2007 Fall issue Technical Writing: Skills and Citizenship Full text Against Study Abroad: US Mexican Immersion Full text Contextual Media Literacy Revisited Full text Summer issue The “Power” to Change Multicultural Attitudes Full text Process...


The ‘Good Teacher’ Question – a student perspective                Daniel Sokol,  St Edmund Hall, Oxford University, United Kingdom ‘Where there is much desire to learn, there of necessity will be much arguing, much writing, many opinions; for...


Executive Order 665 and Equal Access Phil Brocato, Ed.D. Student, University of Southern California IntroductionAccording to the CSU (California State University), Title Wave II (babies of baby boomers) will increase a need for additional funding and space in its...


Why fees? Academic Exchange Quarterly is 100% self-supported. There are no sponsors or corporate owners. Read acceptance rate NOTE Journal’s publication expenses editing-production-distribution are covered by subscription fees, royalty payments, and redactory...